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Development Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Crete
The Development Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Crete was created in 2003 and to date has 900 female entrepreneurs from all over Crete and all professions as members. The main purpose of the association is to promote and strengthen women's business activity in Greece and abroad by ensuring coordinated actions in this direction for its members and the promotion of equal opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the economic, social and political life of the country.
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Encouraging its members to educate themselves through professional training and multiple initiatives, to acquire education and higher education, to use their professional ability and intelligence for the greater good.
The provision of consulting services in matters of female employment, vocational training and work experience, with the aim of ensuring the employment of women.

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Working mother. How am I going to keep up with everything?
Having returned from our summer holidays and having started school, our daily work, we feel the pressure again.
περισσότεραBecome a Member
In order for someone to become a member of the association, he must submit a written application to the Board of Directors stating his desire to register.
The Board of Directors of the Association is obliged to discuss the application for registration at its first meeting and within thirty days of its submission at the latest. If the candidate member meets the necessary conditions, the Board approves the application and proceeds with his registration.